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The Book of Change
Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Changed @ 15:59 - Link - comments
The storm continues.

The demons continue to launch raids in the vicinity of the guildhalls, or in other areas of habitation such as Caern and The Hollows.
Adventurers, myself included, have been snatched away from the lands and sent to a dark labyrinth full of demons. I don't know if there's a way out. Each time I found myself there, alone or otherwise, I ended up at the monument.
There have been injuries amongst our comrades. While attempts were made to steal cleric rings Taven was left with an illness which took him to the point of death. Riley has lost some of the fingers from one hand. Brigadier-generals of the demon forces roam. There's damage to the temple doors at Bran, and damage to friends. One was afflicted by an amulet of evil which was forcing its way into her, trying to reach her heart. I hear of another who has lost the power of speech. Hopefully, with the aid of the gods and the clerics, all will make as complete a recovery as Taven has achieved.

During an encounter with one of those brigadier-generals, an offer was made. "You should come to the winning side of shadow walkers and abandon this hopeless quest! Become a god among demons and see what embracing the true power of shadows can mean." The offer was made because the demons see rogues as already feeling that we are a part of the shadows. My reward for declining was to be cloven into three parts. And I consider myself fortunate that was all that I suffered!

Parchments have been found, dropped by slain demons. Some seem to contain details of a time in the past when people felt that all was lost. Others apparently refer to some time in the very near future when an assault will be made upon light in the lands. Some of us have pinpointed Summerfaire as the most likely time. We will see.

In the meantime we watch, and prepare. Together we will stand strong, as we have always done.